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Medusa’s blood was sometimes thought to have magical or medicinal properties. According to Apollodorus, Asclepius received a phial of her blood from Athena and used it to cure the sick.[24] Medusa’s blood was also used for witchcraft by some mythical figures.[25]

Feminist theorist Hé especialmentelène Cixous famously tackled the myth in her essay "The Laugh of the Medusa." She argues that men's retelling of the narrative turned Medusa into a monster because they feared female desire. "The Laugh of the Medusa" is largely a call to arms, urging women to reclaim their identity through writing as she rejects the patriarchal society of Western culture. Cixous calls writing "an act which will not only 'realize' the decensored relation of woman to her sexuality, to her womanly being, giving her access to her native strength; it will give her back her goods, her pleasures, her organs, her immense bodily territories which have been kept under seal.

The serpentine locks of Medusa’s hair had an effect very similar to that of the head: while they did not necessarily turn people to stone, they could scatter entire armies. One such lock was sometimes said to protect the Greek city of Tegea.[23]

Na Grécia antiga, ESTES mitos explicavam o mundo confuso em qual viviam , os relatos registravam a história, explicavam a essencia e ditavam como as vizinhos deviam viver atravfoiz desses mitos. Conheça aqui quaisquer desses mitos e outras coisas qual possui aver usando mitologia grega.

Como puniçãeste, Zeus ordenou qual Sísifo fosse enviado ao submundo, onde teria de que cumprir uma tarefa impossível: escalar uma enorme pedra até o topo por uma montanha. Toda vez qual ele estava prestes a chegar ao topo, o peso da rocha o venceria e ele deslizaria por volta para baixo .

Medusa’s head was still treated as a frightening object, even when it was shown as being almost entirely human.

Para tornar o castigo ainda Muito mais severo, Atena conferiu a Medusa o poder qual fazia utilizando de que todos qual a olhassem se transformassem numa estátua do pedra.

Some stories say that there was one more unnamed Gorgon who was older than the others. She was killed by Zeus before he fought his father and the Titans for power.

While the tale of her death at the hands of Perseus is one of the most famous moments in Greek mythology, it was not the end of Medusa’s story. In an unusual and macabre turn of events, Medusa’s death was only the beginning of her adventures.

Cybele: a deusa grega da essencia e criaturas selvagens, Cybele identicamente conjuntamente era a deusa Destes mortos e da agricultura e caça.

Medusa in this telling was separated from her monstrous family members and lived a more human life. Despite her family connection to monsters, she fit the mould of many beautiful young human women in mythology.

[7] Their genealogy is shared with other sisters, the Graeae, as in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound, which places both trios of sisters far off "on Kisthene's dreadful plain":

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The earliest versions of the Gorgons connected them to sharp reefs and the storms that could drive ships onto them. They were associated with rocks, which when hidden below the surface of the water spelled disaster for ships passing by.Rodadas grátis em slots

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